NPPA - 96 Bantam (TT)
NPPA - 96 Bantam (TT) -sarjan kytkentäpaneelit ja tarvikkeet
Vain 1 rack unitin korkuinen NPPA-paneeli. Tukeva ja kestävä teräskuorinen rakenne alumiinisin tarkkuussovittein. Kaikissa Neutrikin NPPA-paneeleissa on käytetty kullattuja, pitkäikäisiä NJ3TTA -jakkeja (2 x 48 kpl)
2 x 48 TT (Bantam) jacks, half normalled bottom row, 288 push terminals, individual grounding
2 x 48 TT (Bantam) jacks, full normalled, 288 push terminals, individual grounding
2 x 48 TT (Bantam) jacks, half normalled top row, 288 push terminals, individual grounding
2 x 48 TT (Bantam) jacks, normalling isolated, 288 push terminals, individual grounding
2 x 48 TT (Bantam) jacks, normalling parallel, 288 push terminals, individual grounding
2 x 48 TT (Bantam) jacks, half normalled bottom row, 288 solder terminals, individual grounding
2 x 48 TT (Bantam) jacks, full normalled, 288 solder terminals, individual grounding
2 x 48 TT (Bantam) jacks, half normalled top row, 288 solder terminals, individual grounding
2 x 48 TT (Bantam) jacks, isolated normalling, 288 solder terminals, individual grounding
2 x 48 TT (Bantam) jacks, parallel normalled, 288 solder terminals, individual grounding
2 x 48 TT (Bantam) jacks, half normalled bottom row, fast and easy change of normalling with jumpers, 288 Krone-type IDC terminals, individual grounding
2 x 48 TT (Bantam) jacks, half normalled bottom row, 12 x 25 pole female D-Sub, grounding: groups of 12 channels
2 x 48 TT (Bantam) jacks, half normalled bottom row, 4 x 50 pole male D-Sub, grounding: groups of 12 channels
2 x 48 TT (Bantam) jacks, half normalled bottom row, 6x56 pole ELCO male connectors, individual grounding
2 x 48 TT (Bantam) jacks, half normalled bottom row, 4x90 pole ELCO male connectors, individual grounding
Bantam (TT) Cables
NRA-TT & MAC Bantam 4.4mm (TT) Cables Fully Sealed Bantam (TT) 4.4 mm Plugs Low Noise Star-Quad PVC Cable (Not available on NRA-TT) High Conductivity Black, Red, Blue and Green 12, 18, 24, 36, 48 and 72 Inch lengths Ordering ...